Shporta është e zbrazët
Slimming Sports Sauna Girdle-Belt
23.67 €
Zbritje 25%
17.80 €
Përfshirë TVSH-në
15.08 € pa TVSH
Introducing your new best gym partner, the Sport Fitness slimming sports sauna girdle-belt! A high quality sports girdle that increases body heat and improves posture during sport. This slimming vest is the perfect ally to improve the figure and encourage sweating, helping to eliminate fluid retention.
Disponueshmëria Në Stok
Introducing your new best gym partner, the Sport Fitness slimming sports sauna girdle-belt! A high quality sports girdle that increases body heat and improves posture during sport. This slimming vest is the perfect ally to improve the figure and encourage sweating, helping to eliminate fluid retention.
- Made of neoprene (65%) and polyester (35%)
- Flexible and adaptable fabric
- Zipper closure (5 levels)
- Adjustable length: Approx. 68-94 cm
- Approx. width: 26 cm
- Sauna effect: intensifies exercise results
- Unisex
- Hand wash